Tuesday 24 April 2012

Enjoying the space and peace

Ben has been mr mobility the last week or so, but today with Noah at pre-school he has been enjoying the space to explore, practise his commando crawling and play without having the toys snatched out of his hand. Yesterday he spent the day watching Noah playing in the tunnel and today he got his courage up and has spent the day going back and forth. It's been delightful hearing him laugh and to watch him enjoying himself.



Friday 20 April 2012


This was my lounge at 730am. I know they are practising gross motor skills, and as an early years teacher I should positively encourage this..BUT omg! The mess!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Sleepover fun

Alfie came to stay. They were loud, they made a mess, they didn't sleep until 1030pm and woke before 6am. But they had fun:) Frankie had to go home though as it was her first night away from Karen & Kev and she didn't like it. Bless her.